We want to build a library of stories that help educate people about the individual impact of racism and successful strategies for driving change.
Tell us a little information about what you'd like to share and if selected we will publish it here in written form or on our YouTube channel*.
Please make sure you are not submitting anything that is copywritten including images or music in your videos. All materials will be shared to us using a standard Creative Commons license. Materials on our site may be shared with other like minded individuals or as part of our training materials or discussion roundtables. All content created by Karuana Gatimu Goggin is owned by her and can be used in furtherance of these goals as long as she and the site are credited as the author/creator of that content.
We are not yet an official 501c(3) non-profit but if in the future any funds are earned by this site and its content it will be used to further social justice and economic opportunity for our impacted community.